Wednesday, October 10, 2012

House Sitting

La-to-da! Here I am, perched in a big red leather armchair, big screen TV showing me CNN International news, wicker fans whirring overhead. i'm housesitting in the plush home of my friends Jon and Anne on Carenero Island. Located only a quarter mile across the water from Bocas Town, thIs island was named by Christopher Columbus himself as the place where he careened his ships to clean their bottom. He would be flabbergasted by the development!

For me, this life is much different than life in our Pieceful Jungle. This house is on-the-grid, so I don't fret about running 4 fans at once, leaving the TV on all day, or even using an electric refrigerator and stove. At the same time, there are draw backs. Like yesterday when Jon and Anne wanted to leave on their trip but the city power was off and they could not run the electric motor on their boat lift to lower the boat to the water.